PN200是一种醇改性共聚酯 (PETG) 热塑性树脂,具有粘度值低、流动性好、透明度高等特点,适用于注塑成型工艺,常被用于注塑各种厚度的制品,且被用于厚壁制品仍能保持良好的透明度,具体应用例如:化妆品包装、厚底膏霜罐、大面积透明面板、光学制品等。
PN200 is a glycol modified co-polyester (PETG) thermoplastic resin, with low viscosity, good flowability and transparent. It’s usually used in cosmetic packaging and light by injection molding.
SKYGREEN® PN系列有4种产品可供选择,其出色的性能使其成为各种应用的理想选择。SKYGREEN® PN系列具有出色的透明度和流动性,使其适用于注塑复杂设计的小而薄的零部件。与其他SKYGREEN®牌号相比,PN200具有出色的流动性。SKYGREEN® PN不含受欧盟RoHS法规管制的双酚衍生物(BPA等)和邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂成分。
Available in 4 unique grades, SKYGREEN®’s outstanding features make it an idea choice for a variety of applications. SKYGREEN® PN series offers combination of great clarity and flowability that makes it suitable for injection molding intricate designs with small and thin parts. Among other SKYGREEN® grades, PN200 has outstanding flowability. SKYGREEN® PN does not contain Bisphenol derivatives (BPA etc.) and Phthalate-based plasticizer components regulated by the EU RoHS regulations.
It also meets the re for food contact materials in Korea, the US, Europe, China, and Japan.
Ø 特性 Key Attributes
良好的流动性 Flowability
耐化学性 Good chemical resistance
不含双酚A BPA free
Ø 应用Applications
化妆品包装 Cosmetic Packaging
护肤品包装(瓶子、罐子) Skin Care Packaging (Bottles, Jars)
彩妆包装 Color Cosmetics Packaging
家居用品 Consumer Housewares
家用电器 Home Appliances
食品和饮料包装Food and Beverage Packaging
文具 Stationery
其它 Others
Ø 主要加工方式Primary processing methods
注塑成型 Injection molding